Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Ari turns ONE

So before I get ahead of myself promising the last 6 months worth of pictures to come out this week. Let's start with the very exciting milestone that Ari celebrated his first birthday on Saturday 2/26/2011. I can't believe it. He was just born and now my little boy is one. He has sure come a long way and already has lived in two states, two houses, been through three schools. Woah baby! He really is a trooper. I am in the process of making my albums and enjoying every minute of his learning and growing.
Things that make Ari, well Ari.
1. Ari loves it all. He's the happiest camper on the block. Whether he's the one getting attention or Samantha, Ari could not be happier. He loves watching his big sister, he loves watching his dog, he loves watching everything around him.
2. Ari has a mouth open approach to everything. Drool, drool and more drool.
3. Ari's favorite foods: everything! He is especially fond of popsicles, brocoli and (after his birthday) CAKE!
4. He has two teeth barely peeking out from his bottom jaw and one purple upper gum line on the right.
5. He is a crawling champ and so wants to get up and move. He started pulling himself up just this past week.
6. Words he says well: Mama, dada, dog. Words he knows but don't know how to say: fan, Samantha
7. Words he can sign: more, lights
8. Ari has an infectious laugh.
9. Ari loves his Mama! (that ones just for's take it hard when their baby turns one so give me a break).
10. Ari will have curley hair just like his sister. ;)

Better late than never

So most people that read this blog also know that we have had a lot going on since my last posts with me going back to work, the kids switching school a few times and family in town for birthdays. So I'm catching up on some videos that we've taken and putting some pictures up. Be patient, and I promise it will be worth it.