Sunday, August 06, 2006

One month down ...

So Michelle & I finished our first month of fellowship! Overall things went pretty smoothly, and we're slowly getting the handle on how things run in the hospital. I spent July doing endoscopy (mostly colonoscopies) while Michelle was on the floors, getting a handful of bronchoscopies under her belt. Our confidence will hopefully grow with each opportunity, everyone at work has been very supportive and understanding.

Not much new to report on the home front, Michelle & I are hunkering down with studying for our Internal Medicine Certification Exam, which is coming up in a couple of weeks. We're flying to Chicago for the 2-day test, 8/24-8/25. Hopefully we'll meet up with some med school friends and do some sight-seeing afterwards.

We will certainly do more exploring of the area after the test is over with, and have newer pics to put up. We also plan on doing some interior decorating (i.e. removing the pink bathroom countertops) when time allows. For now, enjoy the pics of Ginger after another "summer-cut." Notice her devilish red eyes, fortunately cataracts haven't set in yet :-)

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