Sunday, October 30, 2005

First Day of Blog

I decided to jump us on the bandwagon of blogdom. I'm immediately postcall and was trying to avoid "naptime." Welcome. I hope that I get into the hang of things and get some pictures up soon.

So really this is where it begins. More to follow. :)

Send comments!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am visiting my son and daughter-in-law in Tampa. My husband Leslie and I just came from New York to spend a week with them. Justin showed me their new web-page. I was excited for them as they love to share their lives with all their friends and relatives!!! How times had changed!!!In our early married life there were not computers that enabled us to do what we can do today, and to think one will share the day to day activities of our lives was unheard of... With the new technology this is all possible and I am thrilled to be exposed to a new way of learning about my children's lives. I am even getting well versed in computers myself and I am proud of it.

I am hoping to be able to learn about their triumphs and tribulations (as little as possible of the later ones) , of their lives and their very demanding careers. I am so proud of them and I am looking forward to pictures, stories, fun times and all from both of them. My love to you, Justin and Michelle.