Sunday, November 08, 2009

Our visit to NV/CA

Trying to put up another whole month in one blog posting. Life is such a whirlwind tour sometimes. I promise to keep up with postings more often so this doesn't happen again. I definitely don't want to upset the loyal followers.
So conference mixed with some pleasure. We sure enjoyed our trip last week. Besides small colds for Samantha and myself, we did pretty well. Justin and Samantha had some great adventures in San Diego and we enjoyed spending a lot of time time with family (Grandma, GG, Daddy...) and lots of friends!!! Some pictures that should be self-explanatory.

And lots of friends!!! Old ones and new ones. It's so great to reconnect with people and see the changes in everybody (all good ones).

Be patient

Patience is not one my my many virtues... you can ask my mom about that. Anyway, it's been a long time since the last posting and we have lots to catch up on. I'm going to put some pictures from October and one of our many trips to the Discovery Museum in Cherry Hill. Discovery museum is one of those hand's on places that kids love. My germ-phobic nature causes me to bring her there first thing in the morning before too many kids have slobbered over all the stuff. We do a LOT of hand-washing. Dress up is her favorite in addition to the ball tub.

More pictures to come but we'll have to go slow. :)