We made a trip to Las Vegas with the family (excluding Ginger this time) to attend the annual AOA convention and catch up with family.
Everybody was particularly excited to see Samantha after her recent surgery.
It was a terrific week with perfect weather!!!

We spent time at the park keeping an eye on the birds and dogs and making sure that everybody knew that we thought the Yankees should be playing in the World Series. We rooted for the Rays too! Better luck next year.

"I tried Olive Garden for the first time. Leave an extra trip for Mike the waiter cause it's gonna be messy."

The Great Grandmothers!!! (GGs)

Samantha had a ton of different balls and toys to play with. It was hard for her to make up her mind which to play with first!
Ginger stayed home to guard the fort and keep it safe from "Trick or Treat"ers. :)