Saturday, June 21, 2008

Commencement at Botsford

Once again it was time to congratulate the graduating interns, residents, and senior fellows at our hospital. The year has gone by so fast (as usual), Michelle & I will now be chief fellows in our respective programs for the upcoming academic year. Samantha took it all in as we enjoyed tons of delicious food and live music ...

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Tying the knot!

A short but wonderful trip in Maryland as we celebrated the wedding of David (Michelle's brother) & Gretchen. We stayed at the historic Kent Manor Inn in Stevensville, about an hour east of Baltimore. It was very hot & humid, probably 100 degrees w/heat index but we had a great time. Samantha was one of the highlights of the party, very well behaved and drawing rave reviews from all guests in attendance! Wishing the new couple a lifetime of health & happiness ...

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Fun at the Detroit Zoo

We had a fabulous time on Sunday visiting the Detroit Zoo. We recently became annual members there and decided to check it out. This is Samantha's first zoo experience and it went very well. It seems as though a lot of other parents have already discovered this terrific place. I have never seen so many young children in one spot -- other than the pediatrician's office. :) There was even an 11 day old little baby boy. Samantha was equally interested in the other chlidren and the animals. Well, who am I kidding... she was WAY more interested in the other children. It was a beautiful day for a picnic and Samantha enjoyed relaxing on the grass. Oh... it's so nice to have beautiful weather!